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Curtis Jerry Smothers - Freelance Blogger/Tutor
A portfolio of articles I have written about little ol' me.
They say that life is like a roll of toilet paper: The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes. My life (so far) has been okay, except the part where I was a prisoner in a Catholic School. I managed to escape, ran away and joined the Navy. Read all about it and see how sometimes it can all be a tissue of nostalgia rolled up in this thing called life.
How I learned to write
Those of us with limited talent usually default to what we can do best. My best was writing, and I owe it all to a scary nun.
Midnight Mass at St. Liborius
My foot caught in the hem of my cassock, and the situation deteriorated from there...
Junior High and the Starving Time
When you have the last period before lunch, it can get a might hungry out...
How My Typing Teacher Saved My Bacon
Who knew? A one-semester touch typing class would seal my fate.
Join the Navy and See the World
This is a short memoir of my most memorable U.S. Navy cruise.
The Exploding Wimpy Bar
There I was eating my lunch, minding my own business, when the grill blew up.
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